MachinesSpecFeatureMax Size
Ikegai TUR 2550 mm thro spindleLive tooling250 dia x 600
Hitachi Seiki HT 23R50 mm thro spindleswith Bar feed250 dia x 600
Mori Seiki SL 2550 mm thro spindle250 dia x 600
Mori Seiki SL15050 mm thro spindle250 dia x 600
Hardinge Talent50 mm thro spindlewith Bar feed250 dia x 600


MachinesSpecFeatureMax Size
Hurco VMX 42 HT1088 x 610 x 610
Hurco BMC 30760 x 458 x 610
Hurco BMC 20560 x 356 x 356
Hurco Hawk 5790 x 350 x380
Yang Eagle 1000 VMC1020 x 580 x 580

AMMAN Turning

MachinesSpecFeatureMax Size
Colchester Triumph 2000250 dia x 1000
Colchester Student 2500200 dia x 635

AMMAN Milling

MachinesSpecFeatureMax Size
3 x Bridgeport Turret Mills800 x 330 x 100
2 x Bridgeport Turret Mills with slotting heads

AMMAN Grinding

MachinesSpecFeatureMax Size
2 x Jones & Shipman 1310 Cylindrical Grinder200 dia x 450
Jones & Shipman 540 Surface Grinder150 x 450
Jones & Shipman 1400 Surface Grinder200 x 600
Elliot 921 Surface Grinder380 x 175
Snow Ring Grinder330 dia

AMMAN Gear Cutting

MachinesSpecFeatureMax Size
Sunderland 5A Gear Planer200 dia x 450
Gleason Bevel Gear Planer150 x 450
Sykes Gear Shaper200 x 600
Barber Coleman Gear Hobber380 x 175
Orrcut Gear Grinder330 dia

AMMAN CAD / CAM Facilities

Solid Works/Solid CamFully integrated to all our CNC turning and machining centres
CAD / CAM SystemFully Capable of machining 3D parts HSM, HSR, HSS


LAB CNC Turning

MachinesSpecFeatureMax Size
Hyundai Kia SKT 460 Lathe120 mm thro spindle550 dia x 1500
Hyundai Kia SKT 300 Lathe80 mm thro spindleswith Bar feed355 dia x 800
Hitachi Seiki CS 25 CNC LatheVertical Turning CellLive tooling, parts loader150 dia x 150
Hitachi Seiki CS 25 CNC LatheVertical Turning CLive tooling, parts loader150 dia x 150
Takasawa TS 4050 mm thro spindle500 dia x 1000

LAB Turning

MachinesSpecFeatureMax Size
Colchester Mastiff 1600600 x 2250
Colchester Triumph 200080 mm thro spindles200 x 1200
DSG Lathe650 x 1500

LAB CNC Milling

MachinesSpecFeatureMax Size
Hardinge YMC 1250P1250 x 630 x 600

LAB CNC Bed Mills

MachinesSpecFeatureMax Size
Correa A 25/303000 x 1000 x 1000
Correa A 20/252000 x 800 x 800
Butler Elgamil800 x 1000 x 950
Sachman C103000 x 1075 x 900
Hedelius C80 Magnum2340 x 800 x 600

LAB Milling

MachinesSpecFeatureMax Size
Bridgeport Turret Mill800 x 330 x 100

LAB Slotting

MachinesSpecFeatureMax Size
Ormrod Slotter200 stroke
Cooper Slotter200 stroke

LAB Drilling

MachinesSpecFeatureMax Size
Richmond Radial Arm
Herbert Pedestal Drill

LAB Grinding

MachinesSpecFeatureMax Size
Jones & Shippman 1400 Surface Grinders200 x 600
Toyota Cylindrical Grinder250 x dia x 600

LAB CAD / CAM Facilities

Solid Works/Solid CamFully integrated to all our CNC turning and machining centres
CAD / CAM SystemFully Capable of machining 3D parts HSM, HSR, HSS

General Engineering

Our extensive machining facilities are all located on one 25,000 plus square foot purpose built facility.

As well as our CNC and conventional machining centres, we can also provide general engineering work such as fabrication, shot blasting, maintenance, refurbishment and components assembly work.